Great Commission Churches

Engaging Muslims in Europe by Daniel Goering & Paul Meiburger

June 1, 2015 - 11:25 AM

Arab FriendsNot too many centuries ago Europe was the birthplace of the reformation. It generated theological thought and passion that reached around the world. It sent out missionaries, established beachheads, and provided models that other nations copied and used to impact the rest of the world.

The developments of the last 150 years however, have left Europe in a fog of secularism and atheism without a moral compass. Ed Slonchka of Global Reach Network shares a startling statistic about Europeans: “The percentage of non- Christians who know a Christian: 14%. This means that 86% of all non-believers do not even personally know a believer from whom they can receive good news.” The immigration of Muslims into this vacuum presents a golden opportunity for thegospel. Yes, some of them are being radicalized, but most are just wanting acceptance and to enjoy life in the West.

In order to better equip people to effectively engage Muslims, Great Commission Europe is planning to organize a “Ministry to Muslims” learning community in Cologne, Germany. This will be facilitated by Sarwar Aziz (a former Muslim, now an elder in the church in Cologne), and Paul Meiburger (a pastor in Torino, Italy, where there is one of the highest population densities of Muslims in Europe).

When the majority of Muslims arrive in Europe, they are generally very open to new ideas. It is a key time to reach them for Christ. Sadly, too many Christians maintain a distance out of fear, forfeiting golden opportunities to befriend, serve, and share the love of Christ. We are praying this weekend will be a big step forward, that those who come learn how to effectively share the gospel with Muslims around them, and that more Muslims in Europe will become followers of Jesus.

Pictured above: Paul Meiburger with Arab friends in Italy

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