Faithwalkers Journal
FOUND! One Diamond Ring - Saturday January 25, 2014
...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10 NIV
It had been over five years since I lost it. My beautiful anniversary ring with seven small diamonds had "gone missing" somewhere in our house. My son last recalled seeing it in the basement on the desk. And so the mystery began. After scouring the house, plus keeping my eyes open for it for days following, I concluded that my ring was not going to be an easy find. With disappointed heart, I gave it into God's keeping. He knew where it was!

Fast forward to 2013. Our clothes dryer inconveniently "died;" it was time to replace it. After purchasing another, we arranged to have some friends drop by to help "wrangle" the old dryer up the steps and haul the new one in.

As the old dryer was moved out, I heard my husband excitedly call my name. There he stood in the hallway with an outstretched hand, displaying something small and shiny. "Look what I found!" he exclaimed. And there it was, my diamond ring, looking as beautiful as the day it went missing! All this time it had been under the dryer!

Luke 15 contains three stories of things that were lost and later found. We don't know how long they were lost. We do know, however, the common reaction when the lost was found: "Rejoice with me...Let's celebrate!"

You may be grieving over something or someone who is "lost." Perhaps it's something "small" like a ring. Perhaps it's more heart-wrenching, like a loved one who has rejected God to go his or her own way. Don't despair. God is fully aware of the situation, has it safely in His hand, and knows how and when to bring the lost home.
Submitted by:
Dawn Bovenmyer
Stonebrook Community Church
Ames, Iowa
One-Year Reading Plan:
Genesis 50;Exodus 1-2:10
Matthew 16:13-17:9
Psalms 21:1-13
Proverbs 5:1-6
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