Faithwalkers Journal
Time in a Bottle - 2 - Monday January 26, 2015
Be still and know that I am God. . . Psalm 46:10 NIV
To continue the theme of quoting old songs, Simon and Garfunkel wisely wrote: "Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last." I seem to find myself in a hurry far too often. My daughter Jill teaches in Honduras, and she has learned from her Latino friends to enjoy the moment. Recently while she was visiting we were at a grocery store. There was one checkout lane open, and there were three people in front of us with full carts. We had one item to purchase and I was feeling frustrated with the wait. The kind woman in front of us offered to let us go ahead of her. My daughter's response was: "Thanks so much, but it is good for us to wait. Patience is a virtue!" I admit that I would have readily jumped ahead in the line, but I am glad I didn't. We had a wonderful five minutes chatting that were far more valuable than getting our shopping done as quickly as possible.

The biggest disadvantage to a hurried life is that we miss out on opportunities for surprise encounters with God. Many times I have grumbled in traffic and missed noticing a beautiful sunrise. Or I was so focused on my agenda that I missed a chance to say something kind to a person who needed encouragement. I think one of the saddest verses in the Bible is Genesis 28:16: "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I wasn't even aware of it!" (NLT). God, help us to slow down today and make us aware of Your presence.
Submitted by:
Kelly Lewis
Grace Point Community Church
Lewis Center, Ohio
One-Year Reading Plan:
Exodus 2:11-3:22
Matthew 17:10-27
Psalms 22:1-18
Proverbs 5:7-14
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