Faithwalkers Journal
It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To - Friday February 07, 2014
He who walks with wise men will be wise... Proverbs 13:20
Last week I threw myself a party. We had just sent our youngest daughter off to college, and I found myself feeling a little lost. What would I do with my empty evenings? How would it affect my marriage? What new ministry opportunities would God have for me? I invited some very godly empty nesters over whom I respect greatly to help me enter into this new season. They spoke words of wisdom and encouragement, and they prayed for me. There was laughter, there were tears, and much more hope for the future.

You may not relate to my circumstance, but there is a great application for all of us. Are you actively seeking out more mature believers to learn from them? Each of us will face changes through new seasons of life: beginning college, getting married, having our first child, raising teenagers, planting a church, starting a career. It can be bewildering to navigate alone, but so much confidence is gained through walking with a trusted mentor. The apostle Paul is a great example of this. In 1 Corinthians 4:16, he urges his young disciples to imitate him. The books of 1 and 2 Timothy are filled with Paul instructing and exhorting Timothy on how to handle situations that come up in life.

We can also be a Paul to someone who is a stage or two behind us in life. Look around for opportunities to build into someone who could use some instruction and an example to follow. Maybe you could even throw them a party. On both ends of the scale, commit to living in community and accountability with other believers.
Submitted by:
Kelly Lewis
Gracepoint Community Church
Lewis Center, Ohio
One-Year Reading Plan:
Exodus 26:1-27:21
Matthew 25:1-30
Psalms 31:1-8
Proverbs 8:1-11
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