Faithwalkers Journal
The Ever-Present Now - Friday February 11, 2011
Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. John 15:9
The Lake of the Ozarks in its winter setting was magnificent. Beautiful sky, crunchy leaves, cozy cabin, warm fireplace, complete love.... I was on my honeymoon, and I was content in my full love for my new husband.

The Lake of the Ozarks in its summer setting was gorgeous. Brilliant sunrises, misty mornings, wooded hills, comfy cabin...last summer at the lake, I was again content in my full love for my husband of thirty years. Though we loved each other completely in the beginning, our "full love" has become even fuller.

What if I had spent my honeymoon telling Mike I felt bad because I needed to love him more? Nonsense! A honeymoon is not a time to bemoan the love that has not yet grown.

In a similar way, I've discovered a trap about loving God. If we focus on wanting to love God more, it can become a wish that always remains future tense, never realized in the present. In that mental state we always long for more-yet always feel inadequate.

Love for God is like a honeymoon. Though you will love God more as the years go by, you can bask in the present moment. The great I AM is present tense. "Lord, I abide in Your love right now" is sufficient. You can adore Him fully in the ever-present now.

Love will grow. There will be more. So rest in God's love and grace in this moment without fretting about insufficiency. The ever-present now will culminate in an eternity of love and praise.
Submitted by:
Rita Bergen
Lee's Summit Community Church
Lee's Summit, Missouri
One-Year Reading Plan:
Exodus 32:1-33:23
Matthew 26:69-27:14
Psalms 33:1-11
Proverbs 8:33-36
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