Faithwalkers Journal
Take a Bite - Tuesday February 17, 2015
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8 NIV
As a parent and now a grandparent, I have had my share of coaxing children to "try a bite." We just re-experienced this with the recent visit of our grandson. You never quite knew what would appeal or not appeal to him. Sometimes it seemed none of our offerings would pass his taste litmus test. Although we knew the food was good and good for him, he wasn't so convinced.

Wow! Spiritually we can be so like children in this way. We look at situations and sum up in our minds how things appear to be and what we believe God should do in response. We want Him to be a certain way, perform according to our expectations, act on our timeline-in essence, cater to our taste.

When this is our reality, we will discover that we aren't really letting God get close to us. "Why should I take refuge in Him if He is going to be this way about things?"

We won't trust Him to comfort us, or protect us, or become that safe retreat that He so desires to be. In true reality, we will miss out on all the good things He has in store for those who take refuge in Him. All because, preferring our own food, we refused to taste Him!

Just as is the case with children, we need to learn to trust and take a bite. It may be just a small one, but one small bite can bring even small amounts of pleasure and nurturing as we taste God's goodness. And one bite may lead to more! In what ways do I need to trust God and learn to taste and feast on His goodness? Lord, show me where I need to trust you and take a bite today!
Submitted by:
Dawn Bovenmyer
Stonebrook Community Church
Ames, Iowa
One-Year Reading Plan:
Leviticus 4:1-5:19
Mark 2:13-3:6
Psalms 36:1-12
Proverbs 10:1-2
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