Faithwalkers Journal
Amazed - Tuesday February 18, 2014
The LORD answered Moses, "Is the LORD's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you." Numbers 11:23 NIV
God has proved His powerful faithfulness over and over, yet I can still tend to worry when money gets tight. If I fail to remember how God has provided for me in the past, my heart can wander into the money minefield of doubt and discouragement and fear.

The children of Israel did the same thing while wandering around in the desert. They wanted meat, and Moses fearfully told God, "This is too big for you, Lord." But God provided so much quail meat that people literally got sick of eating it! What I love is God's response to Moses' worry and anxiety in today's verse. God's arm-His strength-is always adequate to provide what we need.

A recent example of God's miraculous provision in our lives involved a mechanic friend who attends our church. Unknown to us, he suggested to his small group that they take up a small collection to help us purchase a new vehicle. This offering turned into a miraculous blessing. On a chilly Sunday afternoon last December, my wife told me that someone from our church had just dropped off a card. We took out a letter and read an affirming note explaining that a bunch of people in our church, and even some from outside of our church, had rallied together to help us purchase a new car.

We were shocked as we discovered money in the card. A LOT of money! By January, we had applied this gift to the purchase of a nice, used vehicle. God is truly amazing! I've seen His provision, and my prayer is that I never forget it.
Submitted by:
Bill Young
The Rock Church
Sandy, Utah
One-Year Reading Plan:
Leviticus 6:1-7:27
Mark 3:7-30
Psalms 37:1-11
Proverbs 10:3-4
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