Faithwalkers Journal
Trail of Blessing - Thursday April 09, 2015
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 NIV
Recently my husband Dave and I had a sabbatical from our usual routine of work and serving. For part of our time we traveled to places where we had lived years ago, visiting old friends and being refreshed by time spent with them. One couple in particular opened their home to us for almost two weeks, providing their finished basement stocked with basics to bless us.

When it was time to leave, we wanted to bless them in return for their generosity. We thoroughly cleaned our quarters and gave them some small but useful thank-you gifts. As our travels continued, God continued to stir a deep desire to leave a "trail of blessing." Wherever we went, He nudged us with ideas: picking up our motel room after a stay and leaving a gospel tract with a thank-you tip for the housekeeper, cleaning and repairing our family cabin and purchasing a few things to bless its guests, paying for meals with friends.

It struck me that I had been taught this before! In my early days in our church, our pastor preached this simple message upon preparing to leave any conference grounds: "Let's leave this place nicer than when we arrived." In other words, let's bless these folks who have blessed us.

Who taught him that? Jesus! While on earth, Jesus constantly looked out for the needs of others and did what He could to meet and bless them, ultimately laying down His life for their and our salvation.

Lord, thank you for your heart to richly bless others. Help me discover more and more that it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive!
Submitted by:
Dawn Bovenmyer
Stonebrook Community Church
Ames, Iowa
One-Year Reading Plan:
Deuteronomy 33:1-29
Luke 13:1-21
Psalms 78:65-72
Proverbs 12:25
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