Faithwalkers Journal
Overflowing - Wednesday April 29, 2015
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." John 7:38 ESV
My son Wesley has recently fallen in love with the movie Toy Story. We got him the replica Woody doll that now goes with him wherever we go. Woody has a place at the dinner table, in the car, and even his own blanket and pillow! Wesley introduces Woody to everyone who crosses his path. As a family, we just got home from Disneyland where Wesley got the chance to meet Woody in person! Just a few nights ago as he was fast asleep, Wesley cracked the biggest smile, remembering the day they met. Wesley's love for Woody overflows into every aspect of his life.

The Lord used that relationship to remind me that just like a child's adoration of his favorite toy, a Christian's affections for Christ should overflow.

Jesus says in John 7 that when we come and believe in Him, our hearts will begin to overflow! When God places His Spirit in us, He does a complete overhaul of all the "stuff" that used to fill us up. That means when our affections and desires become more and more satisfied and fixated on Jesus, our hearts will overflow with love and compassion for others, just like Jesus' heart.

Christianity is marked by sharing our lives with one another, encouraging and discipling each other, loving, serving, and praying for one another. As I meditated on this verse this week, I kept asking myself, "Where am I overflowing in my life?" I ask you the same question, Christian: "Where are you overflowing?" Ask God by the power of His Holy Spirit to fill you up and spill you out with the love and compassion of Jesus today!
Submitted by:
Bryan Edwards
The Rock Church
Taylorsville, Utah
One-Year Reading Plan:
Judges 9:22-10:18
Luke 24:13-53
Psalms 100:1-5
Proverbs 14:11-12
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