Faithwalkers Journal
Spiritual Ambition-3 - Thursday May 22, 2014
Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. 2 Corinthians 5:9
If we are to leave the mark of the Gospel in this world, we must focus our lives around three aspects of spiritual ambition. Spiritual ambition is made up of vision, passion and action. If you have vision, but no passion or action, all you have is a fantasy. If you have passion without a clear vision and action, then you have passion out of control. This would be like water pouring out of a fire hydrant without the hose or the fireman to direct the water. Action with no vision and no passion is legalistic or meaningless activity. It is mere duty or obligation which won't last long. But when all three are working in concert, then you turn ordinary events into something that is atomic. This is spiritual ambition.

God called Caleb, "a man of a different spirit." He was a man of ambition (vision, passion and action). Caleb's vision was founded upon God's promise given to him through Moses when he was forty years old. At eighty-five Caleb is as passionate about the vision God had given him forty-five years earlier (Joshua 14:10-12).

This was Caleb's vision. It burned in his heart for more than forty years! Caleb made God's promise his life vision. Caleb made God's promise his passion. Caleb acted in faith on God's promise. It became reality.

What was different about Caleb from all of the others? He followed God fully because he was a man of spiritual ambition-a man of vision, a man of passion, a man of action. May God raise up many men and women today with a Caleb spirit!
Submitted by:
Doug Brown
Lee's Summit Community Church
Lee's Summit, Missouri
One-Year Reading Plan:
2 Samuel 1:1-2:11
John 12:20-50
Psalms 118:19-29
Proverbs 15:27-28
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