Faithwalkers Journal
A Big Lap - Saturday June 13, 2015
The Lord is gracious and compassionate. . . . Psalm 145:8 NIV
The Versa Form positioning pillow sits on their couch. Shape and size controlled by air input, this versatile pillow works well for supporting my three-year-old, handicapped grandson Max. His cerebral palsy prevents him from sitting up well, so for the first three years of his life I have mostly held him in my lap when caring for him.

I have had conversations with Max's parents about the day coming when none of us will be able to comfortably hold Max in our arms any longer. He continues to grow, and unfortunately our laps don't.

When I think about this, my emotions stir. Holding and cuddling Max, reading to him and massaging his legs while he sits on my lap, has been my bonding time with him. The thought of losing this ability saddens me.

Isn't that life for all of us? Things that we love and cherish often pass with time; changes come and adjustments are made. Sometimes things change for the better, other times, seemingly for the worse. Loss and grief become more a part of life.

God spoke deeply into my heart this week as I thought about these changes with Max. It was as if He was saying, "Dawn, no matter how big Max gets, My lap will never be too small . . .not for Max, and not for you!"

For you see, God loves cuddle time. He is the author of love and comfort. He is always ready to draw near to us, connect with us, and to provide that "touch" of love that we so need at the moment. No matter what life may throw at us, one thing is for certain: our God of unfailing love never changes-His lap is big enough for us all.
Submitted by:
Dawn Bovenmyer
Stonebrook Community Church
Ames, Iowa
One-Year Reading Plan:
1 Kings 11:1-12:19
Acts 9:1-25
Psalms 131:1-3
Proverbs 17:4-5
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