Faithwalkers Journal
Who is Jesus? - Monday July 28, 2014
"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Matthew 16:15 NIV
This question "Who is Jesus?" has been debated for years. Jesus asked it of His disciples. In college I would have answered, "He's a good guy. He's a role model and a teacher." I would have questioned if He was God. When I was a young Christian I remember asking a roommate, "Is it important that I believe that Jesus is God?"

There are a lot of wackos out there, and they can say whatever they want. People regularly claim to be God!

What do other religions say?

Charles Russell, the leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses said, "The man Jesus is dead, forever dead."

Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science movement said, "Jesus Christ is not God" (Science & Health 360:28). She just came right out and said it!

Islam teaches that Jesus is one of God's many human prophets, but not as great as Mohammed.

The church of Latter Day Saints believes Jesus is a god but one of many gods. He is God of this world. They believe that you can become a god! (Mormon Doctrine, pages 576-7).

The world accepts Jesus, the man. He's a good guy, a good teacher, and a figure of social change and justice. But they don't accept Him as God.

Who do you say that Jesus is? Why does it matter? As Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky said, "The most pressing question on the problem of faith is whether a man as a civilized being can believe in the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, for therein rests the whole of our faith."
Submitted by:
Bill Young
Faithwalkers West 2013
Jesus is God,
One-Year Reading Plan:
2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21
Romans 11:13-36
Psalms 22:1-18
Proverbs 20:7
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