Faithwalkers Journal
Don't Jump Off a Cliff! - Tuesday September 08, 2015
Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ. Colossians 3:4 MSG
In 1974 Evel Knievel attempted an unsuccessful motorcycle jump across Snake River Canyon. This kind of grandiose display is nothing new. In Matthew 4:6 Satan tempts Jesus to throw Himself down from the highest point in the temple. It is the temptation to do the spectacular.

We all want our kids to make the big play on the soccer field or to earn merit scholarships to prestigious schools or to get the lead in the high school musical. For our own lives, we all want to be noticed for doing things beyond the ordinary. For me this can mean secretly hoping someone notices the neat bass guitar part I play in a worship song at church. Or maybe I desire to throw a creative party that people will talk about for weeks. For others it may mean getting the recognition of a big promotion at work or having the most striking home in the neighborhood.

But God isn't impressed with our efforts. What touches His heart? The small, simple things that no one sees. Remaining patient and loving all day with a fussy baby. Spending time with an aging parent instead of being able to attend an event at church. Letting someone go ahead of you in the grocery line. Choosing to say no to a negative attitude. Sending a note of encouragement to someone going through a hard time. Jesus didn't succumb to the temptation but instead faithfully served and cared for those around Him. He asked people not to draw attention to His deeds. Be like Jesus: Don't let Satan tempt you to get your value through the wrong efforts.
Submitted by:
Kelly Lewis
Grace Point Community Church
Lewis Center, Ohio
One-Year Reading Plan:
Isaiah 1:1-2:22
2 Corinthians 10:1-18
Psalms 52:1-9
Proverbs 22:26-27
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