Faithwalkers Journal
Rejoice When Others Succeed - Tuesday November 19, 2013
Therefore His brothers said to Him, "Leave here and go into Judea, so that Your disciples also may see Your works which You are doing. For no one does anything in secret when he himself seeks to be known publicly. If You do these things, show Yourself to the world." For not even His brothers were believing in Him. John 7:3-5
Jesus was popular among the masses and attracted a large following. Miraculous healings, freeing the demon-possessed, and forgiving guilty sinners all drew attention from the religious establishment, as well as the faithful. Many grateful people even wanted to make Him their king.

How did his brothers respond? It seems they succumbed to their jealousy. Their insecurity caused them to be sarcastic and attempt to force Jesus into the public spotlight. Their fleshly response to Jesus' miraculous works of healing and love was born from their unbelief. They did not respect their brother. Their jealous reaction was similar to Joseph's brothers after their father showed Joseph favoritism, and they heard their brother's dream about bowing down to him. What can we take away from these stories?

If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have failed to rejoice in the success of others because of our jealousy. Some of us have even wished for their failure. Ironically, we may be using it as a way to feel better about ourselves. At times our insecurity got the best of us, and we resented others' success instead of being happy for them.

Ask God to make you secure in His love to the point that you always "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep." Be sincerely thankful when others succeed and you see God using them to build His church.
Submitted by:
Stephen Scott Nelson
Atlanta House Churches
Atlanta, Georgia
One-Year Reading Plan:
Ezekiel 39:1-40:27
James 2:18-3:18
Psalms 118:1-18
Proverbs 28:2
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