Faithwalkers Journal
Yes to God, No to Sin - Sunday November 30, 2008
By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. Hebrews 11:24
Moses could have had it all. The treasures of Egypt were at his fingertips. Wealth, women and wine were made available to him whenever he wanted them. Yet Moses chose not to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin but rather to endure mocking and ridicule with the people of God.

The first thing we learn is that Moses made his choice by faith. If he had chosen by sight he would have chosen the kingdom of Egypt. But he had eyes of faith and he chose the kingdom of God. Moses lived by faith not by sight. He believed and trusted in the promises of God for His people and their future.

He evaluated his situation and the choice he had to make-God or mammon. He chose God. He viewed the riches of Christ as far greater than all the riches of this world combined. Moses saw the riches of this world as passing whereas Christ's riches are eternal. Moses wasn't into instant gratification. He put off his desires for pleasure and waited on God to fulfill them at the proper time.

Moses didn't get detoured and he didn't take any "shortcuts" because he had his eyes fixed on the One who is unseen. As a dove can only focus on one thing at a time, and as an athlete in competition is also focused on mastering his sport, even so Moses was focused on the eternal King. Because he had a big YES imprinted on his heart for the Lord, he was able to resist and say no to temptations and ungodliness. What motivates you to say yes to God and no to sin?
Submitted by:
Doug Brown
Lee's Summit Community Church
Lee's Summit, Missouri
One-Year Reading Plan:
Daniel 7:1-28
1 John 1:1-10
Psalms 119:153-176
Proverbs 28:23-24
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