Faithwalkers Journal
Buildings or Bodies? - Wednesday December 24, 2014
But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison. Acts 8:3
What was Saul destroying, buildings or bodies? What was the church? What has it become?

When was the last time you went to family? Was it for a recent birthday? Or, maybe they live far way, so you only go to family over Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays. Okay, why do I keep saying, "go to family?" It sounds weird, doesn't it? You don't go to family-you are the family! When are you family? Only when you are together? Of course not! You are family if one of your members is overseas, lives in another state, or resides just around the corner! Location does not make us a family. Sometimes the family is together, and sometimes they are not. But we are always family!

Why are we family? We are a family because we were born into, or adopted into, a family. Since it is impossible to "go to family," in the same way it is impossible to "go to church."

Am I being persnickety? No, words mean things. If we embrace the "go to church" concept of the church, then we severely limit our impact on the world, disciple-making, and our own spiritual growth. We fall into the trap of "going to church" to hear "a holy man, speak from a holy book, in a holy place, on a holy day." You are holy, not the building! When are you holy? Hopefully, you want to live a holy life every day, and in every place! Don't limit yourself with this thinking. You are a city set on a hill! You are the church 24/7. Now go live like it and be salt and light!
Submitted by:
Stephen Scott Nelson
Atlanta House Churches
Atlanta, Georgia
One-Year Reading Plan:
Zechariah 6:1-7:14
Revelation 15:1-8
Psalms 143:1-12
Proverbs 30:24-28
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